When we actually have time to consider or contemplate the essential teaching/learning process, it becomes very clear that feedback provided to students by an instructor is one of the most important, yet challenging aspects of education. The ability of a teacher to successfully convey or communicate progress monitoring information to the consumer {i.e. student}, is sacred as per noted variables such as pupil attitude-effort performance- achievement productivity- improvement creativity- persistence, etc. There are indeed many, many types and models and styles of feedback to be sure. They might include physical gestures {e.g. thumbs up/down; flashing the “V” sign for victory; using fist bumps to signal unity; emphatically signaling hand motion/s specifying stop or no more or enough; incorporating “high five” or “low five” expressions to represent acknowledgement &/or being in sync; observing hand signals used by those that officiate sporting contests and competition; etc.}.

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